Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday Inspiration (more of other people's writing)

Just a little something I embroidered
a few years ago - my daughter taught
me a few stitches so I could do this.
This week was filled with photocopying and camping, so I didn't even get to complete a single pattern repeat on my lace, not even while watching TV. So I'm going to refer you, again, to a post by someone else, this one about the importance (for homeschooling mothers particularly, but for everyone else, too) of nourishing your own interests, continuing to draw inspiration from your culture.

This post took an hour to write, because I was called away so many times. Thus goes many a "quiet" Sunday afternoon.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing my blog post! I'm glad you found it inspiring.

  2. Thank you so much for writing it! I found it inspiring and important. (And since I put this up on my blog, at least 3 of my friends have shared your post on facebook.)


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