Saturday, April 12, 2014

Moment of Realization

There's this thing I do, and I don't know where it came from, but I noticed it in choir today. I make things, I put things together to make someone's life easier, or give a gift, and someone will jokingly ask "Wow, but can you do this (impossible) thing too?" At which I immediately begin thinking of ways to accomplish the Other Thing. And then, somehow, I do it.

Or I'll hand out something I typeset, and someone will ask "Did you sleep this week?" At which I will feel a pang of guilt over having slept five whole hours last night, realizing that if I hadn't, I could have typeset the music AND done the dishes.

And today, I realized that people are joking around; that they are paying me a compliment by teasing me for not being superhuman. I don't ACTUALLY have to be superhuman. Not even if I wanted to. And maybe, just maybe... I should stop trying.

Because it's making me crazy.

Good one, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you finally (?) realize you don't have to be super human! I mean, you sort of already are, but it's okay to take the occasional day off from proving it. ;)


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