Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bullet Points

Whoops, been a while since I last posted anything here. It's Easter Week, which traditionally in my family consists of completely clearing the schedule, then packing it full again with stuff we never have time to do. The reason we do this is because I direct the choir at my church, and, being Catholic, this means a LOT of work in the week leading up to Easter, followed by the obligation to keep the feasting up for eight whole days. So, fragmentary brain produces fragmentary thoughts. Here you go, compliments of my shattered mind:

Craft Update: I am on pattern repeat 21 of 31. I'll be done soon. I fiddled a bit with Fair Isle knitting, I think I may try a project soon. I bought some new yarn today to make a baby-sized Entrelac Hat for... a friend... who just had a baby... who might be reading this blog.

Insight of the week: My "job" outside the house - directing the choir - is how I fill my tank, so to speak. Immersing myself in music refreshes my soul, and when things get really crazy, especially at Christmas and Easter, it's more singing and less learning, which is MORE energizing to me than the weekly grind of going over parts. At the end of 9 days in which I led 5 hours of rehearsal and 12 hours of liturgy, including the year's most dramatic moments, I was exhilarated and overflowing. And really, really tired, but in a good way. If it were any other way, I would currently be deceased.

Complaint of the week: my local yarn shop is having their annual "Ewe-niversity" day of classes on the same day as the monthly local Handspinners and Weavers Guild meeting, which I promised to take my kids to. You'd think they would have planned around that. I can't even catch a class in the afternoon, because we have a Mother/Daughter Tea. It's all about priorities here, but it's annoying when priorities so high on the list get crossed. It's like when your two favorite teams match up in the first round of the playoffs instead of the end.

Funny Story With No Plot And No Punch Line: I went to therapy this week, and when I left my house, I was stewing, boiling mad at my husband for reasons that I won't go into. All the way there, I rehearsed my list of things that were bugging me. When I sat in the chair, my therapist asked "How are you?" which prompted me, instead, to talk for an hour and a quarter about all the reasons I am happy. It was the best therapy session ever.

Well, that looks like it for today.

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