Monday, March 17, 2014

Commenting Rules

Before I've even put up any real posts, there are a couple of things I want to head off. I'm going to be sharing a lot of photos of my work, and a couple of typical reactions to things I make drive me up the wall. If they continually show up in the comments (which I will moderate anyway), then I'm going to hate doing this, which will totally defeat the purpose of having this blog. Therefore, I have two rules:

1. Don't ever tell me "I wish I could do that." If you really wished it, you'd learn. If I can learn it, you can - I'm not that special. I had no guru, no method, no teacher, just you and me... oh wait. No, really. My teachers are books and youtube. This stuff is not hard.

2. Don't ask me where I find the time. The answer to that is on BobTalkLand - I prioritize practical creativity over other things that you think are important. That's the only answer, and if I start thinking about it, I'm going to realize that your priorities must be better than mine and I should do other stuff before I sit down to work.

After that, I welcome your thoughts. Tell me about your own projects. Share your sources of inspiration. Tell me how wonderful I am. Go ahead!


  1. Amen to both points. With the first point, I sometimes offer to help a person get started, and when the answer is, "Thank you!" with times set up, then it's okay by me. Otherwise, a heartfelt, "I admire that piece" is much more sincere. Regarding the second point, when I am immersed in creative endeavors, other things fall by the wayside. Meals are quick, shelves get dusty, floors gather dirt.That's the way it goes. It'd be great to be able to do it all, but So It Goes.

  2. Thank you for starting this blog and sharing..."YOU".
    I look forward to seeing all of the beautiful pieces that you make.
    I totally understand the therapy that creativity brings for you. Without it, I'm sure I'd be in the looney bin!

  3. Noted! Love it. :) I never know how to respond when people say things like "I wish I had time to (do X thing that you're doing)". It does seem to imply that I'm the one who isn't prioritizing correctly, or, on my more sensitive days, that they think that *I* think that I'm better than them because I have this perceived "leisure" time. Like, "I wish I had time to do that, but, unlike you, I have an actual job". Or something. :P So I usually just blank out. I'm such a social success! :D

  4. Love your rules- you've put words to thoughts that I have had many, many times. <3

  5. I am SUPER excited that you're starting this blog. I am recovering from depression as well, and am throwing myself into my own projects. Let's walk this journey together.

  6. OK KT, you're wonderful, marvelous and a light in the lenten darkness. Go fer it, Boblessly.

  7. Oh, I forgot one!

    3. We don't talk about selling our stuff here. It's not that I think selling your work is wrong. But being the total slave to inspiration that I am, commissioned work is the death of enthusiasm, and setting a price feels like the opposite of assigning a value. So for now, at this stage of my life, and in my current mental circumstances, I just don't.

    Someday. Really.


Thanks for reading my blog! If you came here from facebook, I just want to let you know that as much as I love comments on facebook, I like to see them actually show up on my blog even more. So if you have a comment to leave, consider leaving it here instead. Thanks!

All comments are subject to my approval. Comment moderation is turned on for posts older than 2 weeks, so they may take time to show up.